Market Volume

美 [ˈmɑːrkɪt ˈvɑːljuːm]英 [ˈmɑːkɪt ˈvɒljuːm]
  • 网络市场容量
Market VolumeMarket Volume
  1. The article forecasts future market volume and proposes expansion plan after analysing macro-environment of industry development .


  2. Thirdly , a very detail analysis was made towards this project , including the analysis of the market volume and the competition .


  3. The market volume of commercial land and prices increase quickly .


  4. China 's online travel market volume has rapidly grown by30 % last year .


  5. It said groups had expected only a minimal impact on market volume from its proposals .


  6. With the research of external environment , this article has analyzed the industry status and forecasted the future market volume .


  7. On some days , market volume exceeded activity on the New York and Tokyo bourses combined .


  8. High-speed trading now accounts for more than three-quarters of stock market volume , by some estimates .


  9. The international market volume is obviously atrophied , countries are beginning to make some trade barriers in order to limited imports .


  10. This treatise introduces the general development situation of manufacturing technologies and market volume of local telephone cable in recent over ten years in China .


  11. Analyzing of macro circumstance and competitive context ; forecasting of the market volume , decision of the marketing objective based on the market segment ;


  12. If trade neutrality is defined in terms of market volume , even though carbon leakage is reduced , domestic firm competitiveness cannot be maintained .


  13. Precasts for high-voltage switchgear main products market volume and development prospects in our country in the year of 2005 and 2010 are also made respectively .


  14. Although the development of peanut crop is one of the fastest crops , it has tremendous potentiality in market volume , unit yield and , planting area .


  15. The paper introduced the performance and application of PP-R pipe materials . The market volume , prospect and price trend are also analyzed . It also described the process technology and made the techno-economic evaluation .


  16. Under the background of opening economics , by the natural endowment advantage of labor cost and market volume , China experienced a sustaining expansion on the international trade , which significantly stimulated the economic growth .


  17. The economy development level : the shortages of domestic capital , the biggish market volume and the lack of the innovation of technology for the enterprises which reduce the motive of FDI affect the China 's FDI ;


  18. The paper establishes a forecast model for the project prospecting and construction market volume , and conducts a forecast to the development prospects of the project prospecting and construction market for the geological and mining departments in 2000 .


  19. Although online food ordering only accounts for a small proportion of the catering industry , research company iResearch Consulting Group says its market volume is expected to hit 40 billion yuan in 2017 , as more consumers develop the habit of booking meals online .


  20. And the market trade volume will increase with higher public information .


  21. Between 2000 and 2004 , the total market trading volume enlarged by 800 % .


  22. This paper analyzes the reaction of stock market trading volume to annual financial report announcement in China 's stock market .


  23. Trade organization has its particularity , it is certainly an enterprise , and it adds the market trading volume .


  24. One of the outstanding behaves of real estate in developed country is tertiary market trading volume higher than secondary market trading volume far .


  25. The Reaction of Stock Market Trading Volume to Annual Financial Report Announcement and Tracing Phenomenon : A Study on A Share in Shanghai Stock Exchange


  26. And then established the economic growth impact model including factors such as stock price , stock price volatility , stock market trading volume , and total market value of shares in circulation etc. .


  27. Mr Maghsoodnia said by some estimates rental could grow to be half of the market by volume , although such a shift would reduce the overall market 's value in dollar terms .


  28. Foster 's brews seven of the ten most popular beers in Oz and has half the domestic market by volume , though its share has slipped over the years .


  29. Fresh pork exports to China from Spain - including heads , ears and other parts - rose 35 % last year , making it the second-largest market in volume , according to figures from the Spanish Meat Export Office .


  30. As the stock market trading volume is considered to be the indicator signals of investor sentiment , refer to energy fluctuations theory and use the trading volume for the indicators of investor sentiment , abandon to obtain investor sentiment through the survey manner .
